She was a professional blues singer on a 15-minute live-broadcast radio show on station WHAT and she sang on stage at the Mastbaum Theater.
At the events there would be flags and bunting. Mom would sing the national anthem and other songs to get people to buy war bonds and get involved in activities on "the home front."
When I was in 5th Grade I would go to the Philadelphia General Hospital and read books to blind and disabled world-war-one veterans. It felt so good to do something nice for other people and I would always look for ways to do so.
As a teenager I worked as a mechanic in "Moe's" Mobil Gas Station at Haines St. & Ogontz Ave. When I got done working around 11 am I would go to Littleon's Diner, get a bag of hamburgers and drive around the neighborhood to see if anyone's car broke down or were stuck in the snow. Many car went on its way after a jump start or a push out of a snow bank.
In 1960 I came home from the army, turned 21 in October and voted for John Kennedy. I must have known what was in his speech and when he said "Do for your country," I got the message.
Over the years I was always looking to create some amazing thing for the community. Turning vacant lots into gardens, rebuild an abandoned playground, fixing up the ball field and form a "little league" baseball team called "The Buccaneers" for the neighborhood kids. We played in the South Philly league.
My architectural and building skills came in handy in creating a community center in North Phila called H.E.R.O. - Helping Energize & Rebuild Ourselves, at 17th & Tioga.
I had a broom, shovel and trash bags in my car and if I saw someone sweeping up I would help them. I met a lot of amazing people.
Teaching kids the use of tools and material is most rewarding because there is an immediate result. The pile of material turned into something.
Creating holidays like the Phila Trolley Birthday and National Hot Dog Month in Philly are very good opportunities for creativity and bringing people together.
In 1993 I was named "Citizen of the first rank" by City Council for lifetime achievement to my Community.
I am always looking for any good ideas that will bring people together and have fun and share food.
In the early 80 a group of people started a movement to create National Space Week in July with the 20th being in the middle of the week. That's the day they landed on the moon.
Everyone got their officials to poclaim the week in July in hopes of creating a national holiday.
We had exhibits and promoted the benefits of the space program. Most people thought that NASA was the military and were not interested.
The only thing we could show people (as space-program benefit) were the advantage of pagers, which some people had.
It would be easier to do today since everyone has a cell phone. Do you realize when you're on your phone you are communicating from outer space?